Friday, June 19, 2009

Breast feeding Vs. Formula I am looking for advice on this. Oakley is now 3 weeks old and in these 3 weeks we have seen our lactation specialist 4 times!!! I am pumping right now and am getting around 5-7 oz per session.

The problem: Well first of all, i have the sorest nipples ever!!! she is a great sucker which brought on the problem and now i am paying for it. then on top of it I am having a "let down" disconnect. She can nurse for 40 min and then still suck down 3 oz of pumped milk. My doc put me on Regalon to help with the let down, but i am still having to give her a little extra after i nurse her. I think so far, we have had maybe 3 or 4 successful nursing sessions where she is completely satisfied and zonks out. Now we are starting to get the colic symptoms.

So my question is: how long should one endure 1- pumping and nursing and sore nipples and 2- the fussy baby that may be brought on by colic? i don't know if it is worth the pain and frustration of doing this or if i should switch to formula or every other feeding use formula?

With my first - he was a horrible baby because of this very problem, only i had no clue. i lasted 5 months with nursing and did i mention they were hell??? once he was on formula he was the best baby ever. Don't get me wrong, Oakley is leaps and bounds better than laker was but i was able to get help a lot sooner with nursing with her. i just don't know if i should make the switch now and save myself the agony....

any advice or input would help!!!!


Brian and Carly said...

Formula! You did all you can...give yourself and the baby a break and make the change! :)

shelby said...

Honestly if it is going to help you, and save yourself lots of time and energy, and sleep for that matter I would switch! I think so may people make you feel bad about not breast feeding, it shouldn't be that way! Good luck!

Alissa said...

Katie I feel your pain! same thing with Taj and Marley! feeding pumping ! washing nipples (yeast) fussy baby not gaining weight plus she had yeast and then time to feed again. very painful! I was like on three different herbs I had to take 6 times a day! I did it for 9 weeks and stopped! Now that I have adopted and don't have the option of nursing(cuz I felt guilty if i didn't) Bottle is great and you can enjoy your baby more! they make great formula these days and I say if it makes you happier formula is the key!

heidijogoody said...

I think you need to do what is best for you and for her. If it is just so much extra work to nurse because you have to nurse for so long and then bottle feed still on top of that and you have done all you can to get the problem resolved then you just go with the next option! Good luck

vimahi said...

Stick it out!!! You're tough. It's not an easy, piece of cake for anyone. ONLY THE STRONG SURVIVE!!!

Give it a little more time and hellish energy