Monday, November 10, 2008

Some People Never Learn.....

Today I had quite the "lesson" of my life. I had planned all day to make spaghetti, i had gotten my mom's recipe-which is soooo good!- Laker and I went to the store, bought all our groceries and diligently headed home. I thought that while Laker is down for his nap i would get things started. He sleeps from 1:30 to 5ish so I though about 4:30 i would get everything going so I did not have to wrestle with him while i made dinner, plus Steve was going to lift after work so the timing would be perfect!

A side note to the story....i promise this come into play....Last night we went to my parents house for dinner and my mom had a bunch of stuff for me to take home. this was not just any stuff, she had cleaned out my old closet and found bag fulls of notes and memorabilia from high school. I could not believe all the stuff she had. So of course it was all sent home with me but there was one item of curiosity....i had a box with 2 locks on it. my mom said she could not find the keys to it so there must be good stuff inside!

So back to the my spaghetti simmered away on the stove I pulled out all my "treasures". By this time Laker was up and steve was one his way home. i had to laugh at all the things I had. I had a tub full of high school dance pictures, souvenirs from past boyfriends...if you can call them that and fun things I had done. Among these things were a set of small keys....which opened my locked box. Once I got it open i could not help but laugh!!! All that was in there was letters from my friends from Oregon ( we used to live there) some horse pictures and random things I had collected when i was little. no juicy love notes, pictures or anything!!!!! Why the heck was it locked, there was more dirt on me in the tub of my journal that i wrote in all the time about the boys i liked! yikes!

Just then Steve got home, i showed him my treasures and then started to boil a big pot of water for the noodles. As it was boiling I had to call my mom and tell her what i had found in the locked box, i knew she would get a huge kick out of it. While i was standing over the stove, talking to her, not really paying attention that is when it camisole i was wearing over a shirt caught on fire!!! I had flames crawling up the front of me. I screamed and ripped the shirt i was wearing like i was the incredible hulk! I don't know where it came from but i dropped the phone, while screaming and ripped my shirt off and threw it to the ground. I had to smother it because it was still burning! I could not believe it! My mom was still on the phone while this was happening and wondered what all the screaming was about. When i told her she was shocked. the funny thing is that i did not feel a thing, my hair did not even get in the way which was weird since it was hanging in my face at the time. The shirt i had on under the tank now has brown burn makes from the fire! Where was Steve, some of you may ask? in the would have been nice to have an extra set of hands to put out that small fire...on my body! When i told him what happend he said, " it was time for that shirt to go!"

So yo wonder....what is the lesson learned? Well earlier today on the Today show they did a segment about the most dangerous thing in your kitchen is your burners.....and that if yo have gas, you need to keep an extinguisher on hand just incase of this very instance. While i was watching it I though to myself, what kind of idiot is dumb enough to catch themselves on fire......... well, i can now join that club!

My camisole that is no longer.....

Me at the "scene" after the incident You csn see that my shirt underneath was burned as well

Laker acknowledging that his mom is a goofball


Liz said...

Oh my gosh...I am glad that it only made it through 1 layer and that you are okay! I hope the spaghetti was yummy!

heidijogoody said...

Oh my goodness. How crazy is this. And all Steve could say was that shirt had to go. Glad you are allright.

Anika said...

Katie- I'm laughing so hard! Why? BECAUSE THAT WOULD HAPPEN TO ME! Love you!

Alissa said...

thats something i would do! congrats on the baby I have not read your blog in a while! where is your new house? we would love to get together sometime we miss you too!

Jackie said...

Hey Katie,
First of all CONGRATULATIONS on the new baby!!! Very exciting. So you'll have him/her/them :) just before the reunion? I hope all the pukieness goes away soon.

When I am prego I am always super clumsy. I drop stuff, forget things, burp a lot, but I have not managed to light myself on fire yet. That is a hall of famer for sure. Be careful!!!

Kalun and Kristi said...

This is hilarious!! This is a prime example of why we don't have a gas stove, I know I would've done this by now if we did.

Harrisons said...

Love it! Best story I've heard in awhile. I for one already know that I'm fully capable of doing many retarded things, so I keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen & upstairs just in case. I would recommend you do the same, especially while under the influence of "pregnancy brain":)

byronandniki said...

katie! I saw you on Milli's blog and wanted to say hi! You look so great and your family is so cute!

Tammy said...

All he has to say is "it was time for that shirt to go"?!!! You must not have used enough drama in telling him about your incident - play it up next time. I thought the dog's name was Bubbs.

Jeanine said...

Nice Katie! We ummm need to hang out! Let's have a Jazz night or BYU Utah party?! What you say?

Sarah and Jeremy said...

Holy cow! That is quite an adventure! Goog thing you were quick like a cat, I would have probably been too slow getting it off and burned right through to my skin! In our apartment in Singapore we have a gas stove, I'll have to be EXTRA careful with my belly starting to get in the way! ;)