1. It only takes me 2-3 hours to get ALL my christmas decorations up! thats right, I have got a the system down. This year I hit the 3 hour mark only because the middle section of lights went out on my tree. I know it does not sound that bad, but if you know my mom you must decorate your tree like so: for every foot tall your tree is you must have 100 lights. I had a 7 foot tree and about 5 feet of the tree was dark....you do the math. So this year I got a new tree, but I had to light the thing and did I mention it is a 9 foot tree????? Let me tell you it is a ton easier to light a new tree than take the lights off a tree and then re-light it.
2. Last Christmas I had a brand new baby. Laker was born on the 1st of December and I did not get much sleep, not to mention recovering from giving birth! This Christmas is gonna be tons of fun because Laker is walking, babbling and getting into mischief! I am so excited to share Christmas with him this year!
3. Family Traditions!!! I love being with family and celebrating Christmas. Steve's family always does a live version of the Nativity Scene. All the grandkids dress up and we sing carols.
4. Yankee Swap! This is the greatest game ever created....thanks Michael Scott! I love all gift games but Steve's family really knows how to do this game. Everyone has to bring a present if they want to play and there is no crying allowed...thats right I am talking about the adults!!! In Steve's family it is every man for himself! The gifts in this particular game are extremely good gifts...and then there was one. I don't know where it came from but someone decided to give this ugly stuffed snowman and counts down from 10 and then says the following while shaking and vibrating, " Welcome to the year 2000!" and then giggles. Did I mention that it does all this in what sounds like an Australian accent. This little gem has ended up with either Steve or I 3 times. Thats right out of 25+ excellent gifts we have picked the dud 3 times. Not this years, we'll be on the lookout!!!
5. "The Friend Party". Every year we get together with all our friends for the Christmas Party. It is hilarious to watch Steve and all his friends rem-inis about their glory days in high school. Also we always do the White Elephant game and with this group, it is a riot!! Were talking about a box full of wire hangers, a used breast pump and one muddy boot. You never know what to expect and every year tops the last! I can't wait till this coming Friday!
6. Charlie the Elf. When I was little we had an Elf named Charlie that would come around after Thanksgiving and watch us till Christmas. If we were bad we would get black marks on our bedroom window. We had to be on our best behavior to get those marks erased before Christmas. If they were still there on Christmas morning we would not get any presents. My dad would always "see" Charlie when were not looking! My dad was so convincing that even when I found out that Santa was not real, I still believed that Charlie was around. For some reason my dad always knew when we were being good or bad!
7. Christmas Morning!!! I love Christmas morning, We spend the night at my parents house on Christmas Eve and have Christmas morning with my parents and Brady. It is soo much fun. Then the rest of our family comes over and we have a huge breakfast and open more gifts. When we were little Brady and I would always get Legos. So we would spend all day putting them together! I really hope I get Legos this year!!!!!

MAAAAAAAAAAACH! You finally did it... you DO love me! haha! jk! I love your Christmas decorations y the way... they are amazing!
Katie, did you get the snowman this year? Your story made me laugh my head off. We've never been unfortunate enough to get that "Ugly snowman". We did miss the game though.
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