Wednesday, October 10, 2007

2007 Mortensen Family Reunion

Every three years Steve family gathers for one heck of a reunion. This year we went to "Rockin' R Ranch" in Antimony, Ut. It was a working cattle ranch with plenty to do. Two hours after we got there our nephew, Zac managed to fall 20 feet from the zip line breaking his arm between his shoulder and elbow. One hour after that, my sister-in-law's husband, who is not a small guy took a ride on the bungee swing. This swing is inteneded for you to "lightly bounce" up and down, while someone is pulling on the bungee cord with a rope. Sure it sounds harmless, but when you have 8 Mortensen boys coaxing you to saddle up a 2X4 and "let" them launch you into the air, you know something is bound to go wrong....and of course, the force of being launched sideways on a ginormous bungee cord left old Matt behind. The force was so great that the swing Matt was sitting on flew out of his hands resulting in a full on back flip, landing on his head. In all fairness, all the brothers told him to "hold on tight!!!"

Along with near death expriences hours after arriving, we got to do a little "bull riding" on calves, mutton bustin for the kids and trial rides. It was so much's a good thing they make you sign your life away before getting out of the car or we'd all be rich!!!!

2 comments: said...

Katie- Is it really you? Do you remember me, its your scuba diving friend. Ok, your family is so cute! I don't think I have seen you since you have been married! I'm glad I saw this... you are still beautiful!

Matthew Kearns said...

Katie, thank you for making the bungee ride I took sound somewhat good. I realize as the year’s progress the story is going to get really exaggerated. Nice Blog page by the way we have one too but unfortunately I’ve not been able to keep it up to date. Talk to you soon