When i say "Winter", that means Steve is home...a little more than we are used to because his crews are out pushing snow while he waits for spring. His days consist of waking up at 8:30, a morning movie and then off to the office to collect the mail,do work and send out invoices....or so he says. If you ask me it is more like checking Facebook, meeting his friends, which like to call his boyfriends for lunch at the various restaurants, or more commonly, the Costco food court and then of course the most important part of his day....going to the gym. Then he is home just in time to give me crap for taking a nap while Laker naps, waits for dinner and then off to play basketball with his buddies or teams he play on. Anyone need a husband??????? I can't wait till March gets here!
On a more positive note we found out we are having a girl! Huge surprise! We were expecting another boy because, lets face it. Boy is a dominate trait in the Mortensen family. So it was quite a surprise to find out that we are having a girl! So now i have become motivated to take my christmas present out of the box...a sewing machine. I have all these glorious ideas of things i want to make and now I know the color scheme. We will have to see how that turns out.......
Christmas was fun, we spent it with both families and it was fun. It was great to see Laker's reaction this year because last year he could have cared less. As for photos, lis is what we have been up to....